a cappella group from Brno (CZ)
Here is just a brief selection of our rich repertoire.
Spirituals were the first songs that we rehearsed, and we have many of them in our repertoire in a variety of a cappella arrangements. Negro spirituals have a great inner strength and their harmony and joy is contagious. Some of them have been authentically taught by American Brian Fentress.
Somebody’s Knocking
My Lord
Ride the Chariot
Steal Away
Keep Your Lamps
Dig My Grave
Good News
Glory Glory Haleluja
I've Just Come from the Fountain
All My Trials
Eliah Rock
Deep River
I Know The Lord
He Had To Run
I’ve Been Bucked
Before the invention of music recordings, people had to sing or play themselves when they wanted to hear music. Folk music has been accompanying humanity for centuries and is simply a part of our lives. Though there are thousands of languages, music is universal - something that everyone can understand. We also have folk songs in the repertoire, not only Czech songs, but also traditional songs from many other nations. It is fascinating how beautiful they are all.
Okolo Hradišťa
Laju naši laju
Dobrú noc
Dolina dolina
Siba Thatu
Gabi Gabi
Thuma Mina
I Pharadisi
Freedom Is Coming
Halejuya Pelo Tsa Rona
All My Trials
The biggest holidays of the year are always a beautiful opportunity to sing and listen to beautiful music. In our repertoire we have mainly classical Czech and English carols in jazz and classical arrangements, but also original compositions by Tomáš Přikryl, which will surely conjure up a smile on your lips.
Deck The Halls
While By My Sheep
Jesu Parvule
We’ve Been
Mary’s Little Boy Child
Dobrou zprávu hlásej
Nesem vám noviny
Vánoční noc
Půjdem spolu do Betléma
U Betléma dnes Maria
Veselé vánoční hody
V půlnoční hodinu
O Adamovi a Evě
V Betlémě a okolí se šílí
Classical jazz with many instruments including piano, saxophone and trumpets is not for everyone - and vocal jazz is probably the most challenging discipline for an a cappella band. However, vocal adaptations of jazz songs and popular-jazz-based contemporary works are probably the most popular at our concerts. In addition to jazz standards, the Swiss composer Urs Ehrenzeller taught us some arrangements at the Bohemia Cantat festival. We do not avoid our own creative work.
Route 66
Stand By Me
West Side Story
I Can’t Help Falling In Love
Goodnight Sweetheart
Lulu’s Back In Town
Autumn Leaves
Mám Tě rád
Our a cappella group, DNA – Dej Nám Akord, often sings in sacred places, so of course our repertoire also includes classical spiritual compositions that are directly intended for churches and chapels. Indeed, the literal translation of the original Italian phrase a cappella means “in the style of a chapel or chorus” (link to the dictionary).
Adeste fideles
Adoramuste Christe
Fit porta Christi pervia
Rorando Coeli
Audite, Silete
Ave verum corpus